Always sunny in Singapore

Singapore is one of my favourite cities ever.

It has the ability of being anyone’s second home. It’s easy to navigate and easy to get around, has an abundance of food and culture at every corner, and is booming with life.

Here are a few places that transport me to my own little world:

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Gardens by the Bay: Back in the day, I visited the Gardens as part of a Geography Trip studying Singapore as a case study for environmental sustainability. Sustainability and planning is huge in Singapore. Its lack of natural resources spearheaded the model city you see today. It can get a little humid and hot, especially during the Summer months. If you need a day of cooling down, especially for those of you travelling in large groups or with kids, enter the bio-domes and surround yourself with the beautiful flora and fauna (over 160,000 plants and 200 different species!), the soft sounds of waterfalls, and the crisp clean air. It’s also one of the best places to people watch too…you’d be surprised how people react to seeing plants…

Food & Food Courts: Whenever we travel with my grandmother we lose her the minute we get to a food court. She can order three to four dishes at a time! Singapore, by far, is the home of food courts. You can get anything from Malaysian, Traditional Chinese, Western, Indian, Italian, Japanese to Korean cuisine, and all within a budget too! Din Tai Fung outlets for dim sum, or Boon Tong Kee on Balestier Rd for authentic chicken rice, are two of my all time favourite places to eat.

One of the best things about Singapore is that it’s impossible to go hungry – every single shopping complex has some sort of food court integrated into it, and for all us foodies… y’all gonna put on a few healthy pounds 😉 It’s also great for groups that have trouble settling on where or what to eat. Go your separate ways and collect a selection of different dishes from around the world!

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Photo: SethLui

Hawker stalls: Don’t be afraid to try out Singaporean street food! Some of the best traditional food outlets in Singapore are hawker stalls. One of the cheapest Michelin star restaurants in the world is Hawker Chan in Chinatown.

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Lights, camera, no action: Lay back and relax. If you’re by the Marina at night or at one of the famous Quays, take in the atmosphere and the lights. The bio-trees in the Gardens also light up at night and its completely free to watch. Whether its free concerts at the Esplanade; belly dancing, music in the streets, and turkish ice cream carts in The Arab Quarter (a personal favourite); or walking down Orchard Street; take your time.

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Photo: AirTheWorld

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Photo: Detland

Street Art: Do it for the grammmm! It’s in abundance and some of the pieces are interactive too! For all you instagrammers out there, check out for all the best spots 😉

Sentosa Island: I can’t finish off a post about Singapore without talking about one of its most famous attractions… Everywhere is pretty much aesthetically pleasing. Its Singapore’s very own Resorts World and all around adventure island.  I love Universal Studios, well theme parks in general. I’m one of those that tends to steer clear of roller coasters for fear of death… but if that’s your thing then you do you boo! Kinda lame, but personally I prefer the “less likely to die” activities like the Butterfly park or the S.E.A. aquarium (as my mother says: the visual sushi menu lol.) or Fort Siloso – a World War II museum and fort by the coast with a skywalk. There are also a few things that I’d like to try out myself, such as Adventure Cove, fireworks at the beach, the Skyline Luge, and water-propelled jet packing oooh lala

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Photo: Singapore Guide

Book yourself a flight duh!

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