
pebbles .jpgahhh Brighton…what to say about Brighton…

It was a bright (on) sunny Saturday in the month on April in 2017,  where four Duckies made the ‘spontaneous’ yet rigorously planned decision to waddle their way through the pebble beach of Brighton, with pebbles so smooth, they caress your backside…until you sit on them.

Great choice in day ofcourse – when the rest of the students who just closed for the Easter Holidays visited too. People from high (literally) and low were all out, tanning (well burning for most) in the warm glazing sun in England. Yes, in England!! It was clearly obvious the sun had not been out in a while -it was like the whole world was out to see that… until you realise there was a marathon taking place and these were all supporters.

The marathon didn’t cause much of an inconvenience actually, other than the fact that we had to walk a couple hundred metres past the point we wanted to go, just to we could use the crossing and actually get to the beach- SUCH FUN.

We eventually made it to the pebble beach, where your feet hit the pebbles with every step, rattling like a bag of old 1P coins – setting off a radar on your location. This made it rather difficult to run behind people to photobomb their pictures and give it ‘that aesthetic vibe’. It wasn’t all that bad. As you slowly approach the shores you hear the sound of the roaring waves hitting the pebbles on the shore. Distracted by the rare clear blue sky, I may have walked a little too close and was attacked by the waves as they crawled over my old black Vans.

On the inside I was panicking, as the cold water was starting to freeze the nerves in my feet, one-by-one ( literally shivering my timbers) . But as we made our way to the long plank like structure which extended into the sea (famously known as the Brighton Pier) my shoes dried. Dried to the extent the canvas was so stiff and crisps, that every toe movement made a little crackling sound.

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